Friday, May 31, 2013

Make like a local

Eating local fruits and veggies that are in season while on travel is a sure-fire way to take advantage of the geography and climate you are visiting. One of our favorite ways of capitalizing on the local ambiance is spending time at Farmer's Markets. Besides the obvious opportunity to pick up ripe and fresh produce, flowers, and baked goods, the people watching is always entertaining.

Most Farmer's Markets are high tech these days and it's fairly easy to Google the city you are visiting and 'farmer's market' to get a list of the days, times, and locations where you can find the vendors set up and selling an array of tasty delights. The challenge is to buy only what you need while on vacation. It's easy to get caught up in the colors and smells and over purchase. Remember, you're on vacation and need to stay flexible - or have a really good plan on how you are going to eat and enjoy all the stuff buy.

Kari On and Keep Traveling

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