Saturday, February 23, 2013

Chicken Lettuce Boats

Bringing a few items from home keeps costs down on the road and makes putting meals together a snap. And if you pre-measure before you leave town, dinner is ready in minutes.

4 chicken breasts (more or less depending on how many people you are serving)
2 tsp curry powder (bring this from home so you don't need to buy a whole jar
1 tbl red curry paste (bring this from home too)
3 baby sweet peppers (yellow, red, and green - or any combination)
Romaine lettuce (for the boats)
EVOO (depending on where you are going and how much time you have, this can be a fun item to purchase locally on your trip)

Finely chop peppers and loosely chop cilantro.

Chop chicked in 1/4 inch cubes (or just buy ground chicken or turkey if you really want to speed things up). This step is really easy if the chicken is still lightly frozen.

Drizzle EVOO in a large skillet set to medium-high heat.

Add chopped (or ground) chicken and cook thoroughly.
Drain any excess fat or liquids.

Add curry powder and curry paste to chicken and mix completely.

Cook for additional 1-2 minutes to incorporate the flavors.

Spoon chicken mixture in to lettuce boats and top with chopped peppers and cilantro.

Eat and Enjoy.

Kari On and Keep Traveling

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