Wednesday, April 3, 2013

5 Travel Myths Busted

1. It’s expensive. Sure, travel can be expensive, very expensive; however, there are lots of options and ways to reduce costs. My favorite place to reduce costs is reducing the number of meals we eat out. I like the 80/20 rule or the 3 out of 5 rule. If a family has 5 eating opportunities a day on vacation (Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner), by eating 3 of those ‘meals’ with ingredients you get at the local market or pack from home, you’ll quickly save on the cost of the whole trip.

2. It’s fattening. By all means reduce the urge to binge, binge, binge. A little indulging is a good thing, but splurging at every opportunity on vacation is just bad head work. We all know that portion size at restaurants and venues has increased significantly over time. Don’t deny yourself a special treat here and there – just don’t go overboard at every funnel cake cart you pass. Another great option: share. My husband’s not big on sharing; however, through some training on my part, he now savors his half of dessert and about 30 minutes later he thanks me for preventing his “I’m so stuffed I can hardly move” feeling.

3. It’s time consuming / pre planning takes too much time. True, pre-planning does take some time. Begin to think of pre-trip organization as a hobby and soon it feels like fun. Taking the time to figure out some menu ideas and options a week before the trip starts the mental transition in to vacation mode.

4. Eating ‘in’ means missing ‘out’. Absolutely NOT. Eating in means MORE opportunities to go out. The more you can keep costs in check on vacation, the more vacations you can take!

5. There’s no way my family will go along with this. Honestly most of the time I don’t even think my family notices we’re saving money and not eating out at every meal. As long as there is good, tasty food available when they are hungry, they are happy.

Kari On and Keep Traveling

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