Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Hardest Part of Travel...

Without a doubt, the BIGGEST challenge of all for us when traveling is leaving our dog. Magnum will be 14 in June and we know (sniff sniff) he won't be with us forever. We've had Magnum since he was 8 weeks old and our boys have never known life without him. Although Magnum sleeps a lot these days, he still has his moments when he acts like a puppy: chasing the tennis ball, trying to catch his tail, and going absolutely insane with excitement when he sees his lead and knows he's going on a walk. The walks these days are short, but the bliss Magnum exudes when he goes to the bus stop and back makes me pause to appreciate how even the briefest of outings can bring him such joy.

For such an old dog, Magnum is still naughty as can be. Lately Mag has developed a craving for toilet paper. If all the bathroom doors aren't closed, Magnum will sneak down the hallway, position himself right in front of the toilet paper holder, grab an edge of the toilet paper, and start eating asfastashecan! This isn't an occasional event, if there is a chance for Magnum to go unnoticed in the bathroom, he'll capitalize and have a tp snack EVERY day. Crazy old boy!

We love Magnum and all agree the hardest part of travel is leaving him behind.

What a trooper to tolerate the bunny ears!

Kari On and Keep Traveling

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