Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Coffee can turn a good morning in to a great morning!

Home or on travel, we start every morning with coffee. My ritual is the first cup in bed while I read the news and my favorite blogs. This is the one time of day when my husband truly spoils me – he gladly gets up first, makes the coffee, and delivers the piping hot cup to me bedside. I am loved! When it’s time for my second cup, I’m adequately caffeinated and coherent enough to get vertical and tackle the day.

Finding new coffee roasters is a travel must for us. There is something about the coffee house culture that defines a neighborhood and instantly makes us feel part of the local community. As an added bonus, most of the coffee roasters we visit usually have a delicious array of pastries from a local bakery – it’s fantastic, we get two local treats with one stop. Best of all, coffee joints attract the full spectrum of humanity and we never know what interesting characters we’ll run across sitting at a table (or outside on the curb) sipping a ‘cuppa joe’. The baristas are usually very friendly and happy to share their favorite local spots for surfing, shopping, eating, and hanging out.

It might seem silly at first, but packing our coffee grinder on trips is a must for us. Freshly ground coffee beans are definitely one of my top 10 favorite smells and catching a whiff of those aromatic grinds instantly perks me up. The minimal amount of space the coffee grinder takes in the suitcase is worth its weight in the pure caffeine bliss we experience with every cup of locally roasted deliciousness.

Kari On and Keep Traveling

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