Sunday, March 3, 2013

By all means treat yourself!

Nothing says vacation like a little indulgence. The key is to find the right balance. For us, we all have a passion for discovering new bakeries and like to get a little something special everyday. Maybe it's a morning sticky bun with a steaming cup of freshly roasted coffee, or an afternoon 'just out of the oven' cookie to recharge our batteries, or some over-the-top dessert to finish the evening on a happy sweet note. We just make sure we only bakery splurge no more than ONCE a day. Not only is this approach good for the wallet, but it's also good for making sure our clothes still fit by the end of vacation.

An added bonus that helps keep calorie-guilt in check is when we find a bakery within walking distance from where we are staying...ha, now that I think about I see how this could be a double-edge sword depending on how close or far you have to walk!

Kari On and Keep Traveling

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