Saturday, March 2, 2013

Your wallet called…it wants you to make some savvy choices

We love making pancakes from scratch at home. We get creative and add lots of extras when the mood strikes – bananas, blueberries, strawberries, chocolate chips, wheat germ, etc. However, when we’re on vacation we like to keep it simple and our favorite go to pancakes on the road are the simple and classic ones we make with Bisquick.

Now that our boys are getting older they no longer eat from the Kids Menu at restaurants. Ordering pancakes from a local breakfast joint usually runs around $8-10 per person – granted someone else is doing the cooking and clean up; but, Bisquick pancakes are super easy, super tasty, and if you score a deal like I did on our last vacation, super cheap! A round of restaurant pancakes for my family of 4 can set us back over $40 (and that’s not including the coffee and juice we are sure to order too!) Plus sometimes the kids bring friends with them on our vacations…add a couple more kids and the bill adds up quickly. The Bisquick breakfast feeds us all for well under $10!

Bisquick - $4.59 (but I got mine for $1.22…and we get multiple batches of pancakes per box)
1 Egg - $0.40 (rounding up – and assuming a dozen eggs is about $4)
1 ½ cup milk - $0.75 (rounding up – and assuming a gallon of milk is about $5)
Syrup $0.50 (completely taking a gouge with this estimate – but a bottle of syrup seems to last a really long time)
Butter - $1.00 (another guess – and I’m pretty sure I’m over estimating)

But wait, there’s more: not only are Bisquick pancakes delicious, but we also use the baking mix for strawberry shortcakes, coffee cake, banana bread, quiche, and random other dishes. So many yummy options that are a breeze to make!

Kari On and Keep Traveling

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