Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Smoothie Mix Master

We love smoothies for breakfast, a mid-day snack and even for dessert. Making smoothies 'at home' (I've yet to stay in a timeshare unit without a blender!) not only saves money, but you get to control all the ingredients. We love picking up fresh fruit from the farmers market to customize our drinks to the local seasonal flavors. Smoothies are also one of those great meals to make that can use up the odds and ends of ingredients you have on hand. We strive to keep our smoothies healthy with fruit, oats, wheatgerm, peanut butter, honey, and protein powder. The beauty of these drinks is the countless concoctions you can create: green smoothies, berry smoothies, peach smoothies, veggie smoothies, yogurt smoothies - you name it, you can make it. On vacation, try keeping the flavors local so you can fully embrace the regional delights.

Kari On and Keep Traveling

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